Three adults smiling at one another
Three adults smiling at one another

Biotrue® Multi-Purpose Solution

Biotrue® Multi-Purpose Solution:
Bio-inspired to make each day easier on the eyes.15-19

Biotrue® brings together three- bio Inspired innovations:

  • Uniquely formulated to match the pH of health tears (7.5).12,13
  • Utilises hyaluronan (HA), a natural lubricant found in healthy tears to keep eyes comfortable for up to 20 hours.6
  • An innovative protein management system to maintain natural tear protein function4
  • Available sizes: 2x300ml, 300ml, 240ml flat bottle, Flight Pack 1x100ml

Three bio-inspired innovations and excellent disinfection keep contact lenses clean, moist and comfortable.3,6,7

High Patient Satisfaction

Biotrue® multi-purpose solution increases the likelihood of contact lens patient satisfaction because a clean lens means a comfortable lens12. Patients who tried Biotrue® multi-purpose solution, agree with the following statements:


1 in 4 drop out of contact lens entirely due to discomfort1


9 out of 10 reduced their likelihood of contact lens wear drop out after using Biotrue® multipurpose solution for just two weeks1


97% of patients are satisfied with Biotrue® Multi-Purpose Solution10


81% of patients say Biotrue® feels like their natural tears11


87% say that it keeps their eyes feeling healthy9


82% say it provides continuous comfort7


Biotrue bottom

Biotrue bottom